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Doing Your Dissertation Defense Online

I have started creating WebEx tutorials for some basic items you might need:

This was a useful post with guidance for students and faculty.

Advice for Doing a Dissertation Defense Remotely

Some basic tips:

  1. Practice using WebEx or the online platform with a friend or your advisor before the defense.
  2. Keep your slides simple.
  3. Be ready for lots of encouraging chat comments from friends, family and faculty who can watch along. 🙂

If you need some Zoom basics this document is being updated regularly. Note that it’s not my document.

Formatting Tables in Word

First, why use the Word features to format your tables?

1. If you need to edit (e.g., add a column, delete a row), it will be far easier and everything else will stay lined up.

2. Consistent formatting – your numbers will all stay lined up in a neat little column/row for easy reading.

3. Easy formatting – do you want to spend your time counting and entering spaces/tabs or do you want to spend your time thinking about your study and your writing?

Word includes features that will help you format tables without using tabs, spaces and returns in APA or other formats.

APA Instructions for PC versions of Word:

A PDF version

Video tutorial 1

General Formatting Tips

Mac versions are similar. The basics are first creating a table with the number of rows you need and then changing how the borders are formatted so you don’t see the lines where you don’t want them to show up.

Hello and about me!

Welcome to Tips for Doctoral Students in Education!

In this site, I’ll collect some tips I have for the mundane things like formatting documents in Word for APA style, working on your dissertation, and general professional development.

About Me:

I’m currently the Director of the Office of Doctoral Studies and the PhD in Education program at George Mason University. Each semester, I review about 10-20 dissertations written by students in the program so some of the content here is inspired by that reading. I also regularly teach our dissertation proposal class (EDUC 998) and advise students and faculty as they navigate the dissertation process. Before that, I worked as an NSF program officer and Academic Program Coordinator for Mathematics Education Leadership. I have chaired or been a committee member on over 20 dissertations myself which included various research methodologies and topics.

Note: The posts here reflect my personal opinion and may not reflect the opinions of George Mason University or the College of Education and Human Development. They may also not reflect the opinions of your dissertation advisor or your committee members…. faculty disagree about a lot of things. So, when in doubt, ask your advisor and committee what they think.